Organisers: 'Arbeitskreis Vormoderne Erziehungsgeschichte' (the Working Group on Pre-modern Educational History) in the History of Education Research Section of the German Educational Research Association; The Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre for the History of Education); The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of JA Comenius; University of Lucerne; Saarland University; Technical University of Liberec; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Sede di Milano; Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest.
Term and place of the conference: 30.09. – 01.10.2021; Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, Praha, Valdštejnská 20, Praha 1 (The National Pedagogical Museum and the Library of J. A. Comenius Prague) – CHANGE – DUE TO THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION THE CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD ONLINE
Length of presentations: 25 minutes
Conference languages: English and German
The international conference builds on the long-standing tradition of scientific conferences under the auspices of Arbeitskreis Vormoderne Erziehungsgeschichte, which is characterized by broad interdisciplinary cooperation between numerous European university and non-university research institutions. It aims at a profound reflection on pedagogically relevant transitions in historical, cultural, social, religious and political contexts. The life of each individual as well as of whole groups of the European population in early modern and modern times includes many such transitions. A number of them are typical of childhood and adolescence, the life phases on which the conference will primarily focus. They do not only relate to the physical and mental maturation of a person and thus to the individual phases of their development, but also to education and upbringing in general, including religious upbringing and preparation for a future career. The focus is on formal curricular as well as extra-curricular and non-formal fields of teaching. These transitions are very closely related to numerous accompanying rites (rites of passage, see: "Les rites de passage" by Arnold van Gennep or liminal processes, see: Victor Turner etc.) or refer to a certain period in the biography of a person or a “calendar” of a cultural system.
The conference theme was deliberately chosen to be very broad. Contributions are welcome from not only historians and researchers in the field of educational science, but also - as is the tradition in Arbeitskreis Vormoderne Erziehungsgeschichte - from scholars from other disciplines relevant to the theme. In particular, the focus should be on the following topics:
- Terminology related to the subject of transfer, transitions and rites of passage
- Theoretical concepts of transfer and transitions from the Middle Ages to the present day
- Types of transfers, transitions and rites of passage
- Transitions and rites of passage in various denominational, national and social environments
- Gender-specific transitions and rites of passage
- Transitions connected with a certain content and a certain type of education and upbringing (at home, private, in monasteries, schools, etc.) or connected with preparation for a future career (e.g. transitions in connection with work in an ecclesiastical order such as the novitiate and the like)
- Transitions and rites of passage in literature, in the visual arts as well as in material culture in relation to the past (forms of representation, perception at the time, etc.)
- Development trends of the examined topic in Europe from the Middle Ages to the modern age
Please send draft presentations including an abstract (up to 1 page) by 15 February 2021 to:
The Conference Organisers' Committee reserves the right to select presentations. If successfully assessed by reviewers, studies based on the oral presentations will be published in an anthology.